International Women’s Day Cuban style

Women’s World Day of Prayer

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On Friday 4th March, over 3 million people worldwide are praying and worshipping together during an annual day of prayer, using a service prepared by the Christian wdopiwomen of Cuba.

Today we were celebrating International Day of Prayer at an ecumenical service in the Cathedral in Killaloe. We can glimpse Cuba’s history, geography, culture and everyday life through the generations. Transition Year students donned the traditional dress of the Cuban people in their celebration of the Cuban Women as part of International Women’s day. The students brought to life the service with beautiful music and performances. Thank you to all the Transition Year students who participated as well as a big thank you to Ms. Sheahan for organising them.


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TY’s take on 1916

Exhibition: Re-imagining 1916

 WHEN: Opens: 2 p.m. March 10th exhibition to be opened by John Shinnors. Exhibition runs until: 18th of March

 WHERE: The Hunt Museum

 WHO: St. Anne’s Community College


Since moving to its new location at Clarisford in 1987 St. Anne’s Community College is going from strength to strength. A new wing was added in 2002 and a further block in 2012. The latest development due to be built in 2016/2017 includes 8 general classrooms, a 4th Science Laboratory, a 2nd Home Economics Room, a 2nd Engineering Room, a 2nd Computer Room, a Dining Area and a full size PE Hall. The school offers a broad range of programmes, subjects, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. We focus on the holistic development of our students in a caring and supportive environment. At the very heart of the school curriculum is the specialist teaching of languages, music and creative skills, which are showcased in this ambitious exhibition. Proclamation Day will take place in St. Anne’s on the 15th of March. This will give all students an opportunity to display their work on a range of projects involving reenactments music, visual art, and drama.



As part of the nationwide Commemoration events, St. Anne’s has endeavored to promote a lifelong interest in history, through looking at the lives of ordinary citizens in 1916 and helping students put the information in the context of their lives today. The Reimagining 1916 project has given TY and 4th year students the opportunity to be active participants in the Commemoration, and contribute to research, which currently exists from their unique perspective.  The Transition Year Programme in St. Anne’s offers many opportunities to the students to increase their awareness of their culture, history, personal well-being and academic development. The students have embraced this project and have maintained a strong sense of ownership throughout. Joe Duffy’s recent publication has a particular resonance for most students. Many were shocked and saddened upon learning that forty under-sixteens’ were shot in a single week. Among the work exhibited is a poignant painting of a pram created by TY student Aoife Boland which represents Sean Francis Foster who was shot through the head during a firefight between rebels and British soldiers at North King Street. The key roles of women in the Rising are explored well as the main leaders. Ciara Murphy was inspired by Margaret Skinnider’s story and the details of her service as a dispatch rider, sniper and raider. She will exhibit a beautiful collage and large drawing depicting Skinnider. She explains she was really struck by the image of her cycling through the street as the bullets ricocheted offthe wheels of her bike. Eabha Hughes will exhibit an intricate pen and ink triptych represents the struggle of the formation of a new state and identity through animal symbolism.

The lives of Pierce, Connolly, Clarke, Mac Dermott, Plunkett, Ceannt and MacDonagh are explored through a series of short drama pieces. A wide range of additional artwork including the Proclamation Dress will be on show during the exhibition in the Prologue Room. Music, short drama pieces and poetry composed specifically for the Commemoration will be performed at the launch of the exhibition in Captain’s Room at 2pm on the 10th of March. ‘Reimagining 1916,’ will be launched by renowned local artist John Shinnors.  The Exhibition runs until the 18th of March.


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Success in School – Study Skills Seminar

“Success in School!”

Study Skills seminar for secondary school students.
In conjunction with the Parents Association St. Anne’s are offering Study Skills by Student Enrichment Services on Saturday 27th Feb.

• Juniors 9:15-12
• Seniors 12:45-3:15

€10 per student in an envelope with your name and base class on it under Ms. Daly’s door. First come, first served, priority may be given to older years.

The sessions will include……

Organisational Skills!
Confidence Building!
A Proven Method of Study!

Practical, realistic advice and ideas to help assist students to achieve in their exams!

Workshop activities include:

  • learning to set realistic goals and targets;
  • constructing a practical timetable;
  • discovering how to excel in their exam!
  • practising a variety of note making styles;
  • organising a revision planner;
  • using our unique ‘SES TEST’ study method;
Leaving Certificate Mock Timetable 2016


Fri 5th Feb 9.00 – 12.00 Period 7 and 8 Friday Option line 2 Art / Music / Spanish / Construction Studies / Study
12.45 – 3.20 Maths 1
Mon 8th Feb 9.00 – 12.30 English 2
1.05 – 3.35 LCVP
Tues 9th Feb 9.00 – 12.00 Irish 2
12.35 – 3.35  Biology
Wed 10th Feb 9.00 – 12.00 Period 5 and 6 Monday Option line 1 Agricultural Sc. / Home Ec. / Physics / French  / DCG / Study
12.35 – 3.35  English 1
Thurs 11th Feb 9.00 – 12.00 Period 5 and 6 Wednesday Option line 3 Ag. Science / Engineering / History / Geography / Study
12.50 – 3.20 Irish 1
Fri 12th Feb 9.00 – 12.00 Period 8 and 9 Tuesday Option line 4 Chemistry / Engineering / Spanish / Business / Geography / Study
12.50 – 3.20 Maths 2
NOTE:Thurs 25th


Fri 26thth March

12.50 – 3.20 

9.00 – 3.20

Art Design Exam Still Life 


Life Drawing Exam

Junior Certificate Mock Timetable 2016


Wed 3rd  Feb 9.00 – 1.05 Class as usual
1.45 – 3.35 Irish 2
Thurs 4th Feb 9.00 – 12.35 English 1
1.20 – 3.20 Science / Study
Fri 5th Feb 9.00 – 12.35 English 2
1.20 – 3.20 Geography
Mon 8th Feb 9.00 – 12.30 Maths 1
1.05 – 3.35 History
Tues 9th Feb 9.00 – 12.30 Period 4 Monday Option line 1Art / Business / Home Economics /  Study
1.05 – 3.35 Period 1 Friday Option line 2Music / Art / Spanish / Woodwork / Study
Wed 10th Feb 9.00 – 12.30 Business Paper 2 / Study
1.05 – 3.35 Maths 2
Thurs 11th Feb 9.00 – 12.35 Period 1 Monday Option line 3Metalwork / Home Ec. / French / Woodwork / Study
1.20 – 3.20 Irish 1
Fri 12th Feb 9.00 – 12.35 Period 1 and 2 Wednesday Option line 4French / Business / Spanish / Tech Graphics / Study
1.20 – 3.20 C.S.P.E.
Munster Junior Camogie Champions

St. Anne’s C.C., Killaloe 2-8
Colaiste an Chroi Naofa, Carrignavar, Cork 2-6

This Munster final was played on Sat on very wet and difficult underfoot conditions. The Cork outfit were a physical side and conditions probably suited them better, as Killaloe were a much lighter team. However this didn’t faze the very determined East Clare School and they gave it their all from the throw-in. The midfield pairing of Holly McGee and Lynda Daly worked well together, feeding lots of ball to the forwards, resulting in two green flags being rose by corner forwards Áine Ryan and Hazel McMahon. Corks first score was a point from a free, and this was duly followed by 3 more converted frees from St.Annes. During this time, great defending came from Susan Daly and Alison McGee, while up front Ellen Lane, Aoife Power and Maeve Óg O’Leary produced some fine camogie despite the difficult conditions. Cork had a better second period of the first half, when they scored 1-3 to St. Anne’s 0-1, leaving the halftime score at 2-4 to 1-4 to St. Anne’s.
The second half saw the teams score a point each, before cork raised their second green flag to level the game. However St. Anne’s never let up, and good work from Anna Spaight and Moya Marsh McMahon, led to the cork girls conceding a free and a 45, which were scored by Aoife power to put them 2 points ahead. The cork girls again clawed back a point for it to be cancelled out by a final point from Maeve Óg O’Leary to seal a well-deserved 2 point win for St. Annes.

The team was: Rachael Daly, Clare Maguire, Susan Daly, Anna Spaight, Aoife Graham, Moya Marsh McMahon, Alison McGee, Lynda Daly, Holly McGee, Anna Lee Marsh, Aoife Power(c) (0-6), Ellen Lane, Hazel McMahon (1-0), Maeve Óg O’Leary (0-2), Áine Ryan (1-0).
Subs: Sarah Lane for A. Marsh, Emily Clarke for A. Ryan

Thank you to Mags Power for the Report.

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Intermediate Camogie Munster final


Intermediate Camogie Munster final:

St Annes 2-10, St Josephs of Borrisaleigh 0-4.

St Annes and St Josephs played on Saturday the 16th of January in grim conditions in St Annes Community College pitch. Both teams put in a honourable effort on the day but St Annes thrived and came out on top.

Throw in was at 1pm on the cold, dark day. St Joseph’s got off to a flying start scoring the first point of the game. It was then followed by a point from the St Annes side. St Annes then scored a second point from a great pass from Susan Daly to Aoife Power. Two more points then followed by Aoife O’Grady and Aoife Power. St Joseph’s then came back with two points making the half time score St Annes 0-4 to St Josephs 0-3.

St Josephs came out and scored the first point of the second half. Five minutes into the second half St Anne’s Sinead O’Leary  scored a fantastic goal. Within two minutes Aoife O’Grady from St Annes scored a second goal, making the score 2-4 to 0-3. The last six points of the game were by Lynda Daly and Aoife Power. Leaving the final score 2-10 to 0-4 to the well deserved winners and new Intermediate Munster Champions, St Anne’s.

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LCVP’s Recipe for Success

Friday saw the LCVP classes travel to Annacotty to Recipe for Success as part of the LCVP course. Students were taken on a journey in business terms of how this business began and grew. Each aspect of the business was explained to the students in a very interactive and practical way. The students were fully engaged in presentation ensuring their understanding of how a business operates, the challenges it faces and the experiences of those involved. After the business talk, students were given a cookery demonstration and more importantly given an opportunity to taste the recipe.

Students were broken up into groups in order to discuss a topic presented to them. Each group had to brainstorm and come up with conclusions on how best to solve the questions given. The students were guided through an LCVP SWOT activity before groups transferred their ideas onto flip boards and presented their ideas to the other groups.

All students had a very enjoyable and education trip and thank you to all at Recipe4Success.

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St. Anne’s Munster Intermediate School Champions


Congratulations to St. Anne’s who won the Munster Intermediate School’s Camogie Championship on Saturday. The girls battled the weather and a strong opposition in St. Josephs of Borrisoleigh to come out on top. A full report is to follow.

Thank you to all who came out to support and lend a hand.

Congratulations to all the girls and their coaches Ms. Minogue and Ms. Moloney on a great victory.

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A great win for the U15 Boys Rugby Team


Huge congrats to the U15 boys rugby team who won their first round match in this years Cleary cup.

The U15 team took on Killmallock in their first league game of the season on Friday. Both teams were equally matched and it was expected to be a tough game for St. Anne’s. Joseph McEvoy captained the team and lead by example scoring a brilliant try after consistent attacking by St. Anne’s. Joseph converted his own try. Killmallock were back on the attack moments later with a few great breaks from their full back. The teams had to both work hard to make aany ground. Great individual effort by Dylan McMahon saw St. Anne’s go over for their second try. Killmallock however piled on the pressure with the half time whistle looming but St. Anne’s held strong to deny them the score. Half time score 12-0 to St. Anne’s.


The pace of the game never wavered as both sides continued to attack each others try line. Joseph McEvoy broke through the defence to score under the posts with Conor Power securing the conversion. McEvoy went on to score a total of 5 tries leading his side to a comprehensive 36-5 victory.


Well done to all the players and their coaches Ciaran Sheedy, Felim Tuite, Jack Lynch and Marc Loughran. Well done to Cian O’Donnell lines man for the game.

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Humans of St. Anne's


St. Anne's Community College
Co. Clare

Phone: (061) 376 257
Fax: (061) 375 768