Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
Welcome to Transition Year. It is my hope that you will all have a most enjoyable and productive year this year. I will update you monthly both by email and using the school website of the activities and events throughout the year.
All students have been provided with portfolio folders which will be kept and used during all classes throughout the year. It is important for students to keep these up to date.
As Transition Year is a particularly busy year for students with lots of events and activities, the school calendar will be updated weekly for your information.
Absences, lateness and permission to leave class forms must all be completed as with every other year group. Your co-operation on this would be greatly appreciated. Journals need to be signed at home weekly and will be checked at Wednesday morning tutorial class.
To reduce the amount of paper being used, all work experience forms will need to be completed on school website. Any queries on this, speak to Ms. Kearney.
A final thought: The key to success is to focus on goals. The efforts you put in is reflected in your rewards.
Looking forward to a successful and fruitful year. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.
Ms. Beverley Hartigan
TY Co-Ordinator