“The next 7 days are vital. Now is the time to #FlattenTheCurve”

Message from Chief Medical Officer for school website please. 
The next seven days are “vital” in Ireland’s ongoing battle to curb the spread of coronavirus, according to Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan.
The next 7 days are vital. Now is the time to #FlattenTheCurve,” he declared on Twitter.
Dr Holohan urged everyone to play their part by taking the following steps. These are:
1. Reduce your social contacts – see only a handful of people in your network
2. Distance yourself two metres from people in shops and supermarkets 
3. Stop shaking hands or hugging when you say hello
4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
5. Wash your hands regularly and practise cough and sneeze hygiene
6. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
7. Check on your vulnerable family members and neighbours
8. Work from home where possible
”The next 7 days are vital. Now is the time to #FlattenTheCurve,” he declared on Twitter.

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Co. Clare

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