Student Update

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We hope you and your families are keeping well during these uncertain times.  We are continuing learning for our students. This will take a variety of different formats.  Instructions from each individual teacher are available on our website. Please go to and click on ABOUT/SUBJECT DEPARTMENTS. Select the teachers name and look for instructions for your class. All parents were sent a password by text to access this section of the website.  Please email the school if you did not get the password.

Some teachers will be using Microsoft Office 365 to continue learning and this will be outlined in their section on the school website.

How to access Microsoft Office 365

All students have access to this package using their school email.  To access Microsoft 365 students need to go to  Each student has an email and password they use to sign in. These are the same details students use to log on to computers in school. Just to remind you student emails are in the format:

year of entry to the school.first


Student passwords are the same as used to log on to computers in school.

We will be posting a number of simple videos on how to use Microsoft 365 over the next while. Online versions of word and one note are not as versatile as downloading the apps. You may be prompted to download and we would recommend this.

If there are any issues please email the school


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St. Anne's Community College
Co. Clare

Phone: (061) 376 257
Fax: (061) 375 768