FAO: Parents in relation to Assessment May 2020


Parents Assessment letter May 2020


Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and Student, 

We hope you and your families are well during these unprecedented times. We have been working very hard to continue learning online for our students. As we approach the end of this academic year, we will be communicating with you on your child’s progress as usual with an end of year report. An assessment which will take place online in May for all year groups with the exception of Leaving Certs will form part of the grades awarded. Each subject department has met and agreed their approach to this. Your child’s individual teachers will communicate this directly to your son/daughter online. We expect most of the May assessments to take place in the weeks beginning May 11th and 18th for first, second and fifth year students. 

Please see general outline below regarding assessment for each year group.


Third Year

As you are aware, the Minister for Education announced there will be no formal state examinations for 3rd years this year. The Department of Education and Skills will provide a certificate of completion of Junior Cycle in the next academic year. Students will also receive a formal report from their school, which reflects their learning achievement in all their Junior Cycle subjects. This school report will issue in June 2020. Our subject departments have met and spent much time deciding on a fair system to acknowledge work completed and progress made by our students in 2nd and 3rd year in particular. Departments will use a range of approaches appropriate to their subject to inform their assessment of students’ achievements. These include assignments, tests projects, practical work, Classroom-Based Assessments (CBAs) and other work completed over the course of second and third year. 

This overall grade will include an assessment to be submitted online in May. The majority of subject departments have agreed 10% for this work with some allocating 12.5%. Even if your child has not engaged so far online, please ensure they complete the May assignments. 

All Third Year students will finish their three-year Junior Certificate programme on May 29th and there will be no examinations in September. Therefore, students will resume school in the next academic year in their next programme for senior cycle – Transition Year or Fifth Year. 

Students are not required to pay Junior Cert. examination fees for 2020. If you have already paid, the State Examinations Commission will issue an automatic refund in due course. 


First, Second and Fifth Year

Summer reports will issue for these year groups. A component of their final grade for summer assessment will take place in the weeks of May 11th and 18th. Even if your child has not engaged so far online, please ensure they complete the May assignments. 


Transition Year

We are still finalising arrangements for TY end of year assessment. Ms. Hartigan will email parents directly regarding this. 


Leaving Certificate

At the time of writing, negotiations are ongoing regarding the Leaving Certificate. We know this uncertainty is difficult for you all. We ask that students continue to engage with their teachers and work to the best of their ability. We are here if you need help or support. 

The closing date for the payment of the Leaving Cert exam fee is being extended until after the exams are completed. 


We will communicate as normal in June with reports, booklists, and calendar for the next academic year etc. 

If you require clarification on any of this please do not hesitate to get in touch via the school email (stanneskillaloe@lcetb.ie).

Our most important message is for you to stay safe and well and to continue to follow the guidance of the Department of Health. 



Yours sincerely, 

Aideen Walsh


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St. Anne's Community College
Co. Clare

Phone: (061) 376 257
Fax: (061) 375 768
Email: stanneskillaloe@lcetb.ie