Students taking a stand on climate change with the help of the local primary schools
TY students in St Anne’s are taking part in the Young Social Innovators competition which encourages young people to re-imagine the world and empower them to bring their vision to life. With inspiration from Greta Thunberg, this year’s project will focus on climate change. The students felt it was important to not only inform their own school community about climate change but to also extend their project out to the wider community by running a poster competition for the local primary school pupils in Ballina and Killaloe.
There was some fantastic entries from the students. Thank you to all who entered but unfortunately there could only be three winners from each school and the winning entries can be seen below.
Evie Hass, Lucy Bourke, Eden McMahon  – Ballina Primary School
Eoin McCarthy, Joe Sheehan and Finn – Killaloe Boys NS
Anna Pedersen, Freya Collins and Aoife May O’Brien  – Killaloe Girls NS
St. Anne’s Filmmakers to feature in Fresh Film Festival Annual Showcase

Three films made by our students have been chosen by Fresh Film Festival to feature in their Annual Showcase.  Introduced by Oscar and Emmy nominated Lenny Abrahamson, this programme will feature a selection of short films with top tips from young filmmakers, leaders and teachers.

The films are;

Click on the film to watch it or see each video below. 

Film-making has been an integral part of school life in St. Anne’s for many years now, with TYs part-taking in Film-making and Film Studies each year and the success of our Film Club. St. Anne’s has a long-standing connection to the Fresh Film Festival with a significant number of our students’ films making their way to the finals over the last eight years. ​

We were thrilled when the festival contacted us a few weeks ago about their annual showcase with the Irish Film Institute. Every year the festival screens a selection of winning films at the IFI and this year they have selected three films made by our students. We were immensely flattered by this news, considering that the festival will programme just ten films from the 1400 submitted in 2020.

They have chosen two ​films made by our Transition Year groups in 2019. A third film (which also won second prize in Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the Year Awards) made by one of our Leaving Certificate students will also feature in this selection.

As well as these films, Oisín (who has gone on to study film at third level), has recorded a segment in which he shares insights into his creative process with his peers. I have also recorded a segment encouraging other teachers to consider engaging in film-making with their students.

The Fresh Film Showcase will be introduced by Oscar and Emmy winning director, Lenny Abrahamson (Room, Garage, Normal People) and will be available to screen in early December. We are hoping to include this as part of a (virtual) TY Film Festival that TY classes will be running across the month of December here in St. Anne’s.

We are so very proud of our talented and hard-working students. Their creativity is truly inspiring as they bravely tackle under-represented topics and tell stories that need to be told in fresh and unique ways.


Ali’s Story

The last generation

Midsummer Beauty

Commemorating the Scariff Martyrs 100 years on

On Monday 16th November, all of us here at St. Anne’s held a commemoration ceremony for the 100th anniversary of the Scariff Martyrs. These were a group of volunteers belonging to the Fourth Battalion, East Clare Brigade, who were shot and killed, on the bridge between our two towns, by British crown forces.

TY1 held a wreath laying ceremony at the base of our National flag in the morning and unveiled artwork that they created to mark this occasion. This was recorded and played in our classrooms along with a video presentation about the event, which was created by former staff member, Johnny McGrath, in what we have termed D.E.A.L (Drop Everything And Listen) class.

This is a great opportunity for the school community to take part in living history and mark the centenary of a moment in time from our past.

Huge thank you to Ms. McNamara and the history department for all their hard work.

At 11pm Monday night the Scariff Martyrs 100 commemorative committee will live stream their own wreath laying ceremony on their Facebook page.


Ennis Book Club festival

Ennis Book Club festival are delighted to see TY workshops with author @smoorefitz kick off next week in which Sarah will light the spark of stories & reading with students from around Clare including our TY students.

Debate team off to a winning start

St. Anne’s debate team Ella Joslin, Eoin Gilmartin, Maeve O’Brien, Laura McGrath and Tara Mooney, all 5th year students, debated virtually on Wednesday 21at October against the motion, “Criticism of the WHO over its handling of COVID-19 is irresponsible and unfair”

The result was a majority win for St Anne’s Community College.

Well done and congratulations to the team and their mentor Ms. Noonan.
Daniel O’Meara to represent Ireland

Leaving Certificate student Daniel O’Meara has been selected to represent Ireland in the upcoming European Championships in Finland later this month. Badminton Ireland announced the 8 strong team, 4 male and 4 females, who will travel to Lahti Finland from the 29th of October to the 7th of November.

Daniel has worked hard with his training as well as his studies and we are delighted he has been given the opportunity to once again represent his country at such a high level. Daniel previously represented Ireland at the Europeans at U17 level.

Everyone at St. Anne’s wishes Daniel the very best of luck at the u19 Europeans and hope he has a safe and successful trip.

Leaving Cert Results – Opens at 9am
Class of 2020, we wish you nothing but luck, hope and love to start you on your new path.
We say it every year, but here goes again….nothing on any piece of paper, that you receive tomorrow or in the future, can tell the world of the kindness in your hearts and of your gentle, yet determined, spirits that we have come to know while you travelled some of your journey with us. You have a long road ahead with many twists and turns and many diverging paths to choose from and we wish you well with all of life’s choices. We will miss you, and we hope you come back to visit us at some stage whenever you would like to share with us your joys and sorrows once more. Best wishes.
On a more practical note for today while you await:
1.Double check your log in details for the Calculated Grades Student Portal are correct.
2.The @nationalparentscouncil in partnership with the @issu4u are running a free LC Results helpline with qualified guidance counsellors over the next week: 1800 265 165
ISSU/NPCPP School Reopening Survey

ISSU/NPCPP School Reopening Survey

Click HERE to access the survey which appears at the end of the page.


PLEASE NOTE THIS SURVEY IS ONLY FOR STUDENTS/PARENTS/GUARDIANS OF POST PRIMARY SCHOOLS FROM SEPTEMBER 2020 (if you/your young person is in primary school from September 2020 please do not proceed). Please answer for all your concerns, if you are a parent/guardian, please answer for all students in your care in one response.
As the reality of reopening schools in Ireland is now getting closer the logistical impact Covid19 will have is becoming clear. Following a period of nearly six months closure, many students and parents/guardians will be apprehensive about returning to school and additional resources will be necessary to facilitate a smooth transition to a new way of education for all.

In order to ensure that vital resources are utilised in the most needed areas, the NPCPP and ISSU wish to seek the opinion of their members as to what their ‘concerns’ are with regards to returning to school.The information gathered here will enable the ISSU and the NPCPP to highlight to other educational partners what the real issues are for the majority of students/parents/guardians and identify, if any, particular groups that may need extra support.

By completing this survey you give your consent for the information collected to be utilised by the National Parents Council Post Primary (NPCPP) CLG and the ISSU for public release.

Confidentiality and anonymity of responses will be upheld, in compliance with GDPR and the NPCPP’s Privacy Notice, and ISSU Privacy Notice and no information relating to respondents will be shared with external partners or Third Parties.

Please note that the purpose of this survey is not to collect personal information for the purpose of retention by the NPCPP, and email addresses are requested in the interest of transparency and to ensure that there are no duplicate submissions.

This survey is being hosted on an online platform, to which only the staff of the NPCPP and the ISSU have access. All information collected will be stored in a password protected file using cloud based technology, with access only to those staff of the NPCPP and ISSU, or members of the Board of Directors of the NPCPP, if required. If you wish to withdraw from participation in this survey, please exit at any point. If you have concerns in relation to this survey, please contact

Click HERE to access the survey.
Attention: Clearing lockers will take place Wed 17th for all except TY

Dear Parent/Guardian,

This Wednesday 17th June the school will re-open for a short period under social distancing restrictions for students to retrieve books, jackets, gear bags and other possessions and to empty their school lockers. Please note TY students are being called separately on Thursday 18th as outlined below to collect TY Certs, TY portfolios and all other belongings.

 This will be the last opportunity to retrieve belongings as there will be no access due to building works (energy upgrade and roof repairs) which will be ongoing from Monday 22nd June.

To manage this effectively we are asking you to adhere to the following time slots.

Wednesday 17th –all students EXCEPT TY

Students be will organised by surnames as follows:

A-B                  9:30-10:00

C                      10:00-10:30

D-F                  10:30-11:00

G-H                 11:00-11:30

I-L                   11:30-12:00

M                     12:00-12:30   (Surnames with M but not the Mc/Mac)

Mc/Mac          12:30-1:00

N-O                 1:00-1:30

P-R                  1:30-2:00

S-T                   2:00-2:30

W-Y                2:30-3:00


Thursday 18th Transition Year Students only  

TY1                  2:00-2:30

TY2                  2:30-3:00

TY3                  3:00-3:30

TY4                  3:30-4:00


The health and safety of all is paramount so please adhere to the following:

  1. Students must queue outside reception at the front of the building keeping 2m apart and will be admitted by staff.
  2. Students will be asked to use hand sanitiser prior to entering the building.
  3. Please remember to bring your key.
  4. Students should bring a bag to place all possessions in.
  5. If a parent cannot help with transport to carry possessions home students may place belongings in a labelled bag outside the building for collection later on Wednesday.
  6. Students are asked not to loiter on the school campus after collection.

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Humans of St. Anne's


St. Anne's Community College
Co. Clare

Phone: (061) 376 257
Fax: (061) 375 768